We’re proud to be a part of the Seedlings Place journey as they are committed to planting seeds of health and wellness for the future. Despite being on a few-year hiatus, the return of Seedlings Place seemed to be just what was needed during a time of rising conversations around health in the context of a society living with the fears, restrictions and multiple variants of the coronavirus. Their desire was to remind their community that Seedlings Place was there as a beacon of support, resources and knowledge to help families gain confidence in their wellness and healthy lifestyle choices. Our job was to help them give definition to the soul that already existed within a brand formed back in 2007. There was a natural flow each step of the way. It was fun seeing Rhonda, Seedlings Place founder, embrace the changes in social media marketing and step out of her comfort zone to create more content that supported the brand’s identity, story, mission and objectives. With the utilities we provided, Seedlings Place had a strong, successful re-emergence with multiple initiatives including Wellness Wednesday, 21 Day Food as Fuel Challenge and Cooking with Seedlings Place. We are always pleased to witness the process and help our clients achieve the results they aspire for.
Case Study