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Author: Lovepreet S.

  /  Articles posted by Lovepreet S.

To understand AI tools for small businesses, we have made a list of the top five AI tools small businesses should be using in 2023. As the world rapidly develops, staying up-to-date with the latest technology is increasingly important. Small businesses also must utilize new technologies to grow and remain competitive. Artificial

This feature takes us to the tiny nation archipelago of the Bahamas and highlights 11 Bahamian Women Entrepreneurs who have been inspiring us with their social media presence. These are some ambitious, dynamic, influential Bahamian women entrepreneurs who you may have seen on your newsfeed, your FY page or even in

What is now a national brand known around the 700 islands of the Bahamas, was once a hidden treasure. It was back in 2013 when Melissa Darville and her then-partner, Elvis Percentile, first got the idea for Shiver. Our team had the opportunity to learn about her journey to finding her

With a love for event planning, a desire for creating doors, tables, and spaces that prove resourceful, inspiring, and welcoming, Aisha Nesut Ani - the unknown dreamer from the Bahamas - envisioned a world-class event that would initiate and foster relationships and build bridges between continents, experts and next-generation novices.  As

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